
The Art of Hand Tool Maintenance: Tips and Tricks for Longevity and Performance

20 June 2023

Your hand tools are likely your most prized possessions as a tradesperson or electrical contractor. Not only are they critical to getting the job done right, but they also represent a significant investment in your trade. That's why it's essential to take care of your hand tools with regular maintenance.

In this article, we will discuss the art of hand tool maintenance and provide some tips and tricks for maximising the longevity and performance of your equipment.

Keep Your Tools Clean and Dry

The first and most crucial tip for hand tool maintenance is to keep your tools clean and dry. Moisture and dirt can quickly damage your tools, leading to rust, corrosion, and other issues.
After every use, wipe down your tools with a clean, dry cloth to remove any dirt or debris. If you notice any rust spots or signs of corrosion, use a wire brush or sandpaper to remove them carefully. Then, use a rust inhibitor or oil to protect the metal from further damage.

Sharpen Your Blades Regularly

Sharp blades are essential to the performance of your hand tools. Dull blades can slow you down, make your work more challenging, and even damage your materials. Regularly sharpening your blades can help you maintain their performance and longevity.

You can sharpen saws, knives, and other cutting tools using a file or a sharpening stone. For precision tools like screwdrivers and pliers, using a sharpening stone may not be effective or safe. Instead, consider using a diamond honing rod or ceramic sharpening stones.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Most hand tools rely on moving parts to function correctly. To keep these parts functioning smoothly, you need to lubricate them regularly. Lubrication will reduce friction and wear, which will help your tools last longer and perform better.

Apply a few drops of oil to the moving parts of your hand tools. You can use a general-purpose lubricant or a specialised oil like sewing machine oil or mineral oil. Be sure to wipe off any excess oil to prevent it from attracting dirt and debris.

Protect Your Handles

In addition to protecting the metal parts of your hand tools, you also need to protect their handles. Handles made of wood or plastic can crack, splinter or break over time, leading to poor grip and overall performance.

To protect your handles, apply a coat of varnish, wax, or oil regularly. This will help preserve the natural finish of the wood and prevent it from drying out or cracking. If you have plastic or rubber handles, regularly clean them with soap and water to prevent dirt buildup and cracking.

Store Your Tools Properly

Finally, proper storage is crucial to the longevity and performance of your hand tools. Storing them in a damp, humid environment can lead to rust and corrosion while storing them in direct sunlight can cause the handles to fade and crack.

Store your tools in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. You can use a tool chest, a pegboard, or a tool rack to keep your tools organised and easily accessible. Consider investing in a dehumidifier or silica gel packets to maintain a dry environment.

In Summary

Maintaining your hand tools is essential for maximising their longevity and performance. Keep your tools clean and dry, sharpen your blades regularly, lubricate moving parts, protect your handles, and store them properly. By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your hand tools will serve you well for years to come.

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